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What to avoid when a person faints? | Texas Specialty Clinic

Why do people faint? Fainting is usually caused by a drop in blood pressure, which reduces blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Most of the time fainting is not a thing to be worried about. However, if you repeatedly lose consciousness or have other symptoms, see your doctor. The following is a list of […]

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All you want to know about food poisoning | Texas Speciality Clinic

What is Food Poisoning? Sickness because of consumption of infected, toxic or spoiled food is referred to as food poisoning. Infectious organisms and their toxins contaminate healthy food at any point of processing or production. Contamination can also occur at home through improper food handling and cooking. Organisms causing infection such as bacteria, viruses, parasites […]

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What Causes Migraine Headaches?

Migraine is a specific type of headache that affects approximately 12% of the population. These headaches are usually severe, painful, and recurring. They can also be debilitating and can last hours or days. It often appears on only one side of the head. They can be triggered by specific stimuli or preceded by one or […]

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How to address pain that doesn’t go away

Lingering pain can come from different events like old trauma, surgery pain, or from any injury that should have gotten better, but did not. It’s a frustrating experience to have a burden of pain when it should have gone away. We are aware that any form of pain might impact our outlook and mental state. […]