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Nonsurgical Shoulder Dislocation Treatment

Closed reduction

Most people who experience a dislocated shoulder are treated immediately in the emergency room where doctors can put the rounded end of the arm bone, the humerus, back in place without surgery. Using a procedure called reduction, doctors apply local anaesthesia to reduce pain and manually move the humerus back into place on the shoulder blade.

The pain subsides almost immediately when a dislocated shoulder is repositioned or reduced. A closed reduction takes about 30 minutes and you can go home after an hour.

If the shoulder has dislocated multiple times, the soft tissue that stabilizes the shoulder may no longer hold the humerus firmly in its socket. This can be confirmed by diagnostic tests such as MRI scans. In such circumstances, surgeons may consider surgery to tighten or repair the damaged or strained ligaments that keep the joint together.

Immobilization and icing

A reinserted dislocated shoulder will remain swollen and painful for several days. Resting your shoulder and applying an ice pack will reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Doctors advise using a sling or brace to immobilise the afflicted arm and shoulder for four to six weeks to allow the muscles and other soft tissues to rest and recover. Applying an ice pack to your shoulder for 15-20 minutes three times a day for the first two days will reduce swelling and pain. If the swelling does not subside, he can continue this icing routine for a day or two.


A dislocated shoulder can cause dull pain in the joint. Inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding the injury causes some of this discomfort. Your doctor may recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Many NSAIDs, including ibuprofen and naproxen, are available at drugstore counters. NSAID side effects can include stomach upset and ulcers, and doctors do not recommend long-term use.

Types of shoulder dislocation treatments

Physical therapy

After each period of immobilization, the muscles become weaker and less flexible. Doctors advise physical therapy to restore muscles, improve shoulder stability, and prevent injury in future.

At Texas Specialty Clinic in Texas, physical therapists who specialize in treating shoulder injuries create a recovery plan based on your daily routine, the type of injury you’ve experienced, and your physical goals. Doctors recommend four to six weeks of physical therapy as part of a shoulder dislocation treatment plan, but recovery time depends on your age, overall health, and whether your shoulder has had previous injuries. It depends on whether there is and the severity of the dislocation.

A physical therapist will show you simple exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles around your shoulders, including your arms and upper back. When these muscles are weak, the joints carry more weight even when in motion. Developing a strong muscle creates an internal “brace” of the shoulder joint.

nonsurgical shoulder dislocation treatment

Physical therapy can also increase muscle flexibility and improve the range of body motion. Incorporating these simple exercises into your daily routine will help your arm move more easily and reduce pain. Strengthening the shoulder muscles also helps prevent future shoulder dislocations.

Our physiotherapists also provide massage therapy, heat and ice therapy, and acupuncture as part of a treatment plan to alleviate your overall well-being during recovery.

To fix your dislocated shoulder visit Texas Specialty Clinic, call us now.

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