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What Is Hematemesis?

Hematemesis is a dangerous condition in which you vomit blood. However, it’s more than simply a fleck of blood in your spit, vomiting blood is a warning that you’re bleeding in your digestive system, and you should seek medical assistance immediately.

What Is the Cause of Hematemesis?

Hematemesis is a symptom of upper digestive tract haemorrhage. This contains the initial section of your intestine, stomach, and oesophagus. The tube that links your mouth to your stomach is known as the oesophagus.

Some of the most prevalent causes of hematemesis are:

Stomach ulcers : This disease, known as a peptic ulcer, is characterised by a painful, open sore in the stomach lining. These sores can also appear in the first portion of your gut and are known as duodenal ulcers. These ulcers can cause an artery to be damaged, leading you to vomit blood.

Oesophagal varices : Oesophagal varices are enlarged veins in the tube that connects your mouth and stomach. This happens when scarring or clots in your liver interfere with regular blood flow. The blood will be sent to these smaller vessels, which are not designed to carry a large volume of blood. When they swell too much, they might leak blood or burst, causing life-threatening haemorrhage.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease : Oesophagal varices are enlarged veins in the tube that connects your mouth and stomach. This happens when scarring or clots in your liver interfere with regular blood flow. The blood will be sent to these smaller vessels, which are not designed to carry a large volume of blood. When they swell too much, they might leak blood or burst, causing life-threatening haemorrhage.

Mallory-Weiss tear : This is a bleeding tear in the lining of your oesophagus caused by intense and persistent coughing or vomiting. It is frequently associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

causes of hematemesis

Less Common Causes of Blood Vomiting

Other, less prevalent causes of hematemesis exist. These are some examples:

  • A blood disorder such as anaemia or haemophilia
  • Hemorrhagic fever
  • Esophagus cancer
  • Swallowing a poison
  • Radiation exposure
  • Stomach cancer

What Are the Symptoms of Hematemesis?

Blood in your vomit is the most common sign of hematemesis. The vomit carrying blood can appear to be:

  • Brown
  • Black
  • Like coffee grounds
  • Bright red blood

You may also have blood in your faeces, which appears as sticky, black tar.

When you lose a major quantity of blood, your organs might not receive enough oxygen and you may go into shock. If you are vomiting blood and have any of the following symptoms, please contact us right away.

  • Weakness
  • Tiredness
  • Fast pulse
  • Blue lips or fingernails if your skin is light
  • Grey lips or fingernails if your skin is dark
  • Fast and shallow breathing

What Is Hematemesis

Hematemesis Diagnosis:

If you sense you are vomiting blood, you should seek medical attention immediately. If possible, bring a small sample with you. Your doctor will want information regarding the vomit and what it looks like.

They will evaluate you and inquire about how you feel. You may require certain tests to determine where and why you are bleeding. These are some examples:

  • Blood tests
  • X-ray scans
  • Endoscopy
  • Nuclear medicine scan

Because vomiting of blood is a medical emergency, doctors give emergency treatment first if people have symptoms of shock or difficulty breathing.

If you see blood coming through your vomit, visit Texas Specialty Clinics for quality urgent care

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