
Flu Screening | Texas Speciality Clinic

Flu (Influenza) Screening You feel the obvious cold or flu symptoms coming on — perhaps it's a cough, runny nose, sneezing and stuffy head. You will need to pick the ...

Weight loss without exercising | medical ways to drop fat | Texas Speciality Clinic

Lose Weight Medically : Without Exercise Adhering to a conventional eating routine and exercise plan can be troublesome. In any case, there are a few demonstrated tips that can assist ...

U.S Monkeypox Outbreak – 2022 | Texas Specialty Clinic

How Monkeypox Can Be Defined? Monkeypox is an infectious viral disease. It is an infrequent disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus is part of the same ...

Migraine triggers : prevention, management & treatment | Texas Speciality Clinic

Migraine Triggers and Treatment Migraine affects hundreds of people around the world. Migraine impacts many aspects of your life, their work, education, relationships, and mental health. A Migraine trigger might not ...

The importance of primary care | choosing a practitioner | Texas Speciality Clinic

Primary Care : Why it matters to individuals and organizations You're a complex person with unique necessities. With regards to dealing with your well-being and health, you want a healthcare ...