
Pain management : opioid use addiction | Texas Speciality Clinic

Pain Management for Opioid Addicts When you have a mild migraine or muscle pain, an over-the-counter pain reliever is generally sufficient to encourage you. Sometimes, when your pain is more ...

Adenovirus infections – common reasons for sore throat | Texas Speciality Clinic

Reason for Sore Throat : Adenovirus Infections Infections occur in youngsters more frequently than in grown-ups, yet anybody can get them. Most children will have somewhere around one sort of ...

Benefits of losing weight for pain management | Texas Speciality Clinic

Relief from Pain with Weight Loss Different health conditions worsen because of excess weight, and the stress of additional weight on joints can prompt painful conditions, especially in the knees ...

Benefits of virtual healthcare | Texas Speciality Clinic

What Is Virtual Healthcare? Virtual healthcare refers to the “virtual visits” that take place between clinicians and patients via communications technologies — the video and audio connectivity that allows “virtual” ...

What are liver function tests? | Texas Speciality Clinic

What are Liver Function Tests? Liver function tests (also called liver panel) are blood tests that measure different enzymes, proteins, and other substances made by the liver. These tests look at the ...