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Should i go to the hospital after fainting? | Texas Specialty Clinic

More often fainting does not necessarily need emergency care if a patient regains consciousness within a minute. But you can opt for emergency care if you are seeing any symptoms that can be life-threatening or you are already in some critical condition and fainted while in it. We will discuss these conditions further in the […]

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Causes of upper abdominal pain | Texas Speciality Clinic

Upper abdomen pain is generally because of short-term, minor trouble, such as indigestion or gas. However, persistent or severe upper abdominal pain may show a possibly serious condition. If the pain is severe or does not stop within 2 days, consult your doctor. Organs in the upper abdomen include :- Stomach Spleen Liver Gallbladder Parts […]

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7 Reasons for neck pain and how to deal with them | Texas Speciality Clinic

Neck pain can have many causes, ranging from acute problems such as muscle strain and whiplash to conditions that develop over time such as cervical spondylosis (osteoarthritis of the neck) and myofascial pain syndrome. Nerve compression, infections, bone fractures, and spinal cord conditions are also possible causes of neck pain. A detailed medical history is […]

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Importance of primary care in health sector – health care | Texas Speciality Clinic

What is Primary Care? Primary care act as a first-stop or front-door service in the healthcare sector. It is the first point where patients come in contact with their respective healthcare service providers. Primary Care Importance Primary care is more people-specific rather than disease-specific. Let’s start by first knowing what is primary care. Primary, the […]

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Top reasons to visit your primary care provider | Texas Speciality Clinic

Primary care providers manage everyday health needs. A long-term relationship with a PCP keeps you healthier and brings down medical expenses. A PCP can train you in ways of remaining healthy, treat you when you’re sick, and assist you with getting further developed care when you want it. Finding the right PCP for you takes time […]

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Prep Center In Texas | Texas Speciality Clinic

Where can you Consult for Prep :- Texas Specialty Clinic performs thorough HIV testing on patients before starting PrEP medication. This is a short course of oral medication that can virtually eliminate risks if taken consistently and correctly. At Texas Specialty Clinic, patients receive diagnosis, treatment, and medication for all types of sexually transmitted infections. We are focused […]

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Food allergic reaction : how long does it last? | Texas Speciality Clinic

How long does a food allergic reaction last? Allergic reactions might keep going for varying timeframes. They might require a couple of hours to a couple of days to vanish. If exposure to the allergen proceeds, for example, throughout a spring pollen season, allergic reactions might continue for longer periods like half a month to […]

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Exercise and lifting routine for herniated disc suggestions | Texas Speciality Clinic

Generally, when people suffer from any bone-related injury, many thoughts cross their minds that when they will be normal again, how long they have to be like this, and if they can perform their routine activities or not. Among these questions, one query is also common, if they can perform physical activities or simply can […]

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Exercise after allergy shot : is it safe? | Texas Speciality Clinic

Can I exercise after allergy shots? Sometimes exercise itself is an uncomfortable activity for some people. Exercise is accompanied by all the sweating, huffing-puffing, and particular challenge that comes with elevating your heart rate for an extended period. But for few people with seasonal allergies, the discomforts of exercise reach a whole new level. They […]

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Weight Loss Treatments | Texas Speciality Clinic

An individual whose weight exceeds what is defined as normal weight for a given height is described as being overweight or obese. The Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey states that 1 in 11 adults have severe obesity, 2 in 5 adults have obesity, and 1 in 11 adults have severe obesity. […]