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Exercise and lifting routine for herniated disc suggestions | Texas Speciality Clinic

Generally, when people suffer from any bone-related injury, many thoughts cross their minds that when they will be normal again, how long they have to be like this, and if they can perform their routine activities or not. Among these questions, one query is also common, if they can perform physical activities or simply can hit the gym (for some people). Then the answer to this simple query is YES.

In the case of a herniated disc, one can get afraid because it is related to the spinal cord where the nervous system lies. And, if the problem gets serious, can cause some serious threats too. But the herniated disc is treatable with proper medication and under the guidance of a good orthopedic surgeon or a neurosurgeon.

To answer your questions, we at the Texas Specialty Care clinic provide you with physical therapy services that will suggest you solutions to your problem.

Exercise and lifting routine for Herniated Disc suggestions?

A herniated disc sometimes causes nerve damage if there is a major rupture around it. During lifting weights or heavy exercise, it is really important to follow your physiotherapist’s guidance and only do what he recommended. Although, there are some common exercises one can perform while having herniated disc let’s just see them :

Stretches can be helpful for a herniated disc to provide relief for back pain. But, not every stretch exercise is recommended.

  • Knee-To-Chest Exercise :- For this, you have to lie down on the floor facing upwards and then slowly start bending your knee (one at a time) towards your chest with the help of your hands until you feel the stretch. Then release that knee and perform the same with another knee. This stretch will release extra tension on the side muscles of the back.
  • Cat And Cow Stretch :- Super beneficial for back pain and increase mobility. To perform this you have to keep your hands and legs both on-ground and form a tabletop position. Now start inhaling and exhaling while sinking and releasing your stomach respectively. This is known as the cat and cow pose due to its structure. Do stretch your head too like stretching towards the ceiling and loosen up.
  • Spinal Decompression Stretch :- If you are able to find any strong or stable metal bar placed in height (like a pull-up bar in the gym) try to hold it with your hands and lift yourself up from the ground. Now maintain this position for a few seconds. This stretches the space between your vertebrae.

There are more stretches that include neck stretches, wall sits, partial crunches, pelvic tilts, and swimming. All these stretches are beneficial for strengthening the leg, stomach, back, and neck muscles.

Now dive deeper and know what can be the exercises because till now we have discussed only some stretches.

  • Plank :- Lie down facing the ground now raise your body a little from the surface while taking support from your elbow and also keeping them at 90 degrees from the ground. Maintain this position for a few seconds or a minute. This will strengthen your core and gut muscles.
  • Cobra Pose :- This pose is beneficial for many parts of the body like shoulders, triceps, glutes, spine erector, and hamstrings. To perform this pose lie down facing the ground, now start lifting your upper body from the waist to the head taking support from your hands. This pose will supposedly look like a half arch (only the upper body). Hold this position and feel the stretch in your back.
  • Rowing :- For this, you have to be seated comfortably and pulling the weights through cable, called seated rowing. This will strengthen your core and build your upper body muscles.
  • Standing Lumber Extension :- Stand still and keep your hand on your hips then slowly push your them forward then maintain that pose for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times. This will lessen the burden put on your disc.

There are some exercises that are avoidable when you have herniated disc. They can be full sit-ups, crunches, heavy weight lifting, excessive athletic activities, and super core strength training.

It is very crucial to take advice from a physiotherapist before performing any major exercise cause this can put a lot of pressure on your spinal cord and the nerves around it. For any query call Texas Specialty Clinic at (469)545-9983.


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