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Is taking weight loss supplements safe?

Certain weight loss pills might hurt both your health and your cash. Moreover, they rarely aid in weight loss.

Several contaminated weight loss products have recently been sold in the United States. Stimulants, antidepressants, diuretics, seizure medications, and laxatives have all been concealed constituents. Prescription pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter medications, and medications that are prohibited from sale in the US are all included in this list.

The most common substance found in tainted weight loss products is sibutramine. Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant and a stimulant Earlier it was legally marketed in the United States. Later, research revealed that the dangers were more than the benefits and sibutramine users didn’t lose much weight but were more likely to experience high blood pressure, a rapid heartbeat, a heart attack, or a stroke. The drug sibutramine was taken off the market.

weight loss supplements

Recently, illegal substances in weight loss products including other medicines have been discovered.

  • Fluoxetine is an antidepressant available only by prescription. It is frequently referred to as Prozac®. It can only be obtained legally with a prescription, however, weight loss dietary products include it. Although being a critical medication for those who require it, there are a number of negative side effects.
  • Phenolphthalein is a laxative. In 1999, it was taken off the FDA’s list of safe substances after research on animals suggested that it may be carcinogenic. A blood electrolyte imbalance, diarrhoea, and fluid loss can all result from taking too much.
  • Furosemide is a prescription diuretic, it is well-known under the trade name Lasix®. Diuretics are medications that aid in the body’s removal of extra fluid, as in the case of persons with heart failure. When taken in excess, the body loses a lot of fluid through increased urine. Dehydration, muscular weakness, and an electrolyte imbalance might result from this.
  • Phenytoin is a prescription drug used for the treatment of seizures. It is well recognised by the trade name Dilantin®. Overdose has many side effects, and there are many different ways that drugs might interact.
  • Some drugs that are approved in other countries but not in the United States are included in dietary supplements sold here.

are weight loss supplements safe

Of course, mixing prescription medications with nutritional supplements is against the law. Marketing a product without disclosing its active components is likewise prohibited. Such compounds can lead to a variety of issues for consumers. Unexpected drug responses, combinations with other medications or foods, and allergic reactions are among the most serious issues.

These are significant issues for goods that offer few or no genuine advantages. Promotional materials with unrealistic weight-loss claims should be avoided. For the majority of people, “easy” weight loss without dieting or exercise is not achievable. If there were a simple procedure that was really beneficial, the findings would be shared in peer-reviewed publications. There would be an assurance of media attention.

Dietary supplements cannot be regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the same way that medications are. When supplements are discovered to be tainted, contaminated, or mislabeled, it has the authority to pull them from the market.

To know more about weight loss and to manage weight safely, visit Texas Specialty Clinic.


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